By now everyone knows the power of social media. Several years ago words like Facebook and Twitter meant nothing and now those two social media giants are cornerstones of our lives.
Every little while a really great example comes along that highlights the power of social media that I think is worth mentioning.
In this case, Gap learned just how quick and powerful social media can be.
For over 20 years Gap has had the same logo that we’ve all seen in malls, stores and advertisements literally all over the place. But, they felt it was time for a change and they needed a new logo. (You can read the message from Gap’s North American President here.)
After unveiling the new logo, which Ad Age said looked like “something a child created using a clip-art gallery”, the social networks went wild.
Facebook, Twitter, blogs and just about every other social media outlet were, on mass, voicing some pretty big disappointment. And, of course, it didn’t take long for the mockery to begin either. Check out … kind of makes you wonder how much Gap paid their agency?
After less than a week, Gap has gone back to their old logo and said this:
“Ok. We’ve heard loud and clear that you don’t like the new logo…We only want what’s best for the brand and our customers. We are bringing back the blue box tonight.”
Just like that, the customer spoke loud enough and the company responded.
This truly highlights the power of social media and echoes just how important it is for brands to monitor social networks for feedback on their products. (This applies to big and small companies alike!)
Now, there is a chance that this was all a publicity stunt because in all honesty, when was the last time there was this much buzz about Gap? If that was the case, then kudos to Gap on doing that really well, but if that wasn’t the case… then, sheesh… didn’t you show a lot of people the logo before unveiling it?
I wonder if Henry Ford had access to Facebook in 1920 he would have known people really wanted cars in a color other than black? =)