Tag Archives: email marketing timing

April Fools Jokes in Email Marketing Campaigns

One thing I always preach as a benefit about email marketing is the ability to be timely.

You can execute an email marketing blast on an exact day at an exact time and that lets you do all sorts of fun things that you can’t accomplish nearly as easily with traditional print flyers.

This is why I was so happy to see a lot of our Elite Email customers sending out “April Fools” related emails.

We saw everything from headlines reading “All Our Products Are Now Free” to “We’ll Pay You When You Buy Our Items” only to be followed by ‘just joking…happy April Fool’s Day!’.

This is the type of creativity that email recipients really appreciate. It’s different, fresh, funny and helps further strengthen the bond between the business and the consumer.

We followed up with a few people who sent out these April Fool’s related emails and they are telling us that it was a great success that generated more replies than usual.

A little creativity coupled with a timely email blast can really help you stand out from the crowd!