Tag Archives: favicon

How Are Mobile Browser Platforms Going To Affect You?

It goes without saying that mobile devices such as the iPhone are now becoming a standard for web-browsing. Handheld mobile devices like this are already booming and market penetration is only continuing to grow.

This trend creates an interesting (and somewhat daunting task) for web designers.

On the one hand, the standard for desktop and notebook monitors is now widescreen, which leaves the designer with more screen space than they had on traditional monitors. While, on the other hand, more people are browsing on the small screens of their mobile device.

The task of making your website or web application both big and small at the same time while loading fast and still providing the level of usability and interactivity users’ expect is hardly an easy one to conquer.

Google just recently released a new more unified logo set, which is noteworthy because they hadn’t changed their favicon (the little icon that appears at the top of your browser) in 8.5 years. The reason for the change was so that it would scale better to the new platforms, such as the iPhone.

So, it’s clear that Google is embracing the change and gearing up to be ready no matter how their users access the site.

But, how should you be treating these new platforms for your own site?

Chances are that if you neglect these new masses of mobile platforms, you’ll see find yourself scrambling to catch up.