Tag Archives: web 2.0

CNN 2.0: The YouTube Republican Debate

TIME Magazine CoverTIME Magazine CoverAs I sit here watching the CNN YouTube Republican debate, I can’t help but think that this is CNN 2.0 and maybe even the evolution of TV. If Web 2.0 is defined as the age of consumer content and interaction, then CNN hit the nail on the head.

 CNN recently revamped their website to a more Web 2.0 style and clearly that is carrying forward into their broadcasts as well. Their much advertised YouTube Debate (just look at that YouTube branding!) aired tonight and featured members of the general public asking questions via YouTube videos right to the candidates. Is this the direction we’re heading?

First TIME Magazine names the person of the year in 2006: “YOU”
And now we’re dictating what content earns a slot on a primetime national news network. Wow, we’re coming a long way!

TIME Magazine Cover

If consumers are demanding to be the directors, is it long before we’re doing that on sitcoms? We already know about “America’s Player” on Big Brother, so we can check realty TV off the list.

This could end up being cool…
(Side Note: Is this why the writers are on strike? Because WE are collectively stealing their jobs…JOKES!)
Or maybe it’ll be brutally awful.

I know I would have liked to tell Jerry Seinfeld what to do a few times or maybe tell Ross just what to say to Rachel…heck, more recently, if I could direct Peter Petrelli, I couldn’t be happier!

I just can’t help get the feeling that if “WE” are breaking into mainstream broadcast programming on certain networks, it won’t be long before the other networks latch on.

I know how many of my friends feel about realty TV these days, they can’t stand it!
If this plays out as I think it might, is it long before we start saying “Geeze, I can’t stand US!”? Or are we going to embrace “US” as the future of media?