Tag Archives: check links

Proof & Test Links in your Email Marketing Campaigns

One of the first things I always tell a client is that it is so important to thoroughly review your email marketing campaign before pressing send. Check it for spelling mistakes, broken images (no one likes those little red X’s!), incorrect links and anything else that could be wrong.

Even big national brands seem to still be making mistakes.

Just this week Air Miles, a huge rewards program in Canada, sent out an email apologizing because a link to a coupon did not work properly in a previous email. This link was actually for a partner company announcing new locations.

I’m sure they weren’t very happy when they got absolutely no one redeeming the coupon! And, the whole situation could have been avoided if someone would have just tested the links. I bet it would have taken less than 30 seconds to check every link in the email, but it seems no one did their due diligence on that. Opps…!

I also think it’s amusing that it took them an entire week to realize and correct their mistake.

The subject line of their email was: COUPON CORRECTION – New locations! Visit and receive 25 reward miles

Air Miles Email Marketing Campaign


It must be a rough week for Air Miles because even now when I clicked on the link in their email marketing campaign, I landed at their website only to find this:


Screenshot of Air Miles Website




I can’t stress this enough, check your links, make sure they work, and keep your website online. It’s that simple.